Monday, November 3, 2008

2008 Election Guide

The General Board of Church & Society of the United Methodist Church focuses on the social issues and how they relate to our faith and beliefs as United Methodists. Every election they provide an election guide for voters to use to compare candidates platforms with the social principles of the United Methodist Church. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the website here.

Who would Jesus vote for in the upcoming election? Only the foolish would hazard a guess. But the New Testament itself is a picture of Jesus’ priorities amid all that clamored for His attention.Christ’s mission of justice and compassion was extended to all people. As United Methodists, we are called to transform the world. Part of that transformation is made through faithful advocacy, community involvement and holding our leaders accountable.

This guide is intended as a discernment tool for you, your church and your community to evaluate potential leaders and political agendas of the two major parties as they relate to the Social Principles and Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church. As you read through the guide, ask yourself: How do these party platforms align with Church priorities for addressing human need and the integrity of God’s creation? What action might that call us to? What confession must we make about our own selfish priorities?

The United Methodist Church does not advocate a two-party system and we encourage you to seek out details on the variety of political parties and candidates. We have provided highlights based on party platform information available at the time.

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