Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dear Friends,
We’re into October now and every month I seem to be caught by surprise that time really has gone by as fast as it has! It reminds me of a quote from the movie Simon Birch, “Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with. It responds like a snail to our impatience, then it races like a gazelle when you can't catch a breath.” I think we might be in the gazelle state, but breathing seems to come okay!
We’ve been doing some new things around the church for the past couple of months, new classes, new additions in worship, and new ways of exploring faith. Hopefully in the new and different ways of doing things, you’ve been able to explore your faith and faith questions to come with new ways of understanding the message of the Gospel and the message of faith. Some ways may work better for some people than others, but we keep trying!
And there are still new ways to explore. Beginning in October, there will be a weekly sermon study guide to take home to reflect on and continue in study. After the Sunday morning worship service, there will be questions to help guide discussion while you drink coffee and fellowship with one another. At Norway there will be an opportunity on Wednesday morning to engage in these discussions further. Both the study guides and sermons will be posted on the internet at www.sheridannorwayum.blogspot.com where the conversation can also continue through posted comments and additional opportunities for conversation.
In addition to all of these new opportunities to have more conversation, I will be at the Norway Store for breakfast on Wednesday, October 10 at 8:00 am and at 2Morrow’s Café for dinner on Thursday, October 25 at 5:00 pm. We can continue to grow with one another in these more informal settings.
I’m very excited about these new opportunities and see them as ways to enhance our growth together! Please try to participate in one or all of the ways and bring a friend along as well!

Pastor Melissa

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